The Best Houseplants for Your Home Designed Around Indoor-Outdoor Living

Fill your Camelot home with houseplants to add beauty and improve air quality.

When a homeowner wants to add flair to their home designed around indoor-outdoor living, gathering a few houseplants should be at the top of their to-do list. The popularity of houseplants has risen with each passing year and the reasons why are clear.

Houseplants have been scientifically proven to purify the air and can also lower their caretaker’s blood pressure. But what we don’t need science to prove is how much better a room looks when there is a splash of nature brightening up the design. The good news: not all houseplants require a green thumb or will be harmful to your four-legged friend. So, take a quick mental check of your Camelot home, and get prepared to fill up any bare spaces with low-maintenance plants to brighten up your home and health.

Fit the Plant to the Area

Before you purchase plants based on looks alone, take stock of the circumstances in the area the plant will be living in. Is there access to sunlight? If yes, how many hours of sunlight does the spot get in a day? Will the plant be within reach of pets or small children? If yes, is the plant safe for little ones and four-legged members of the family? These questions will help you narrow down the best plant for each designated area.

If this is your first go-around at being a plant parent, there is no harm in picking out a few different types of plants to see which one works best for you. Camelot homes are known for having spacious areas, so don’t hesitate to fill up your indoor-outdoor living spaces with a few new friends.

Plant Care 101

Depending on the plant you get, it will be either high maintenance or low maintenance. It might require lots of sun or very little, watered often or sparingly. Decide how much time and effort you are willing to put into the plant before making a purchase.

Popular Houseplants

There are a few things to consider when looking for houseplants and how they will fit into your lifestyle. We’ve compiled some recommendations for homeowners looking for low-maintenance, tree-like, flowering, purposeful, or pet-friendly plants.

  • Low Maintenance

    Bamboo, bonsai, succulents, cacti, snake plants, and air plants are all houseplants that do not require a lot of care. Watering is minimal and you typically won’t need to prune or fertilize it.

  • Tree-Like

    If you’re looking for a plant that will make a statement, dracaena, rubber figs, and fiddle leaf figs are all popular houseplants that can grow into a small tree-like shape. Just make sure you are happy with the location of these plants, because once you set the pot down, you’re not going to want to move it again.

  • Flowering

    Bright colorful flowers are in abundance when it comes to choosing houseplants. Hoya, lilies, African violets, amaryllis, and orchids all produce flowers that are sure to please the eye and add a splash of color. However, with beauty comes (some) responsibility. If you want your plant to continually produce flowers you will have to stay on top of it. Most plants will not produce flowers all year round, so the flowering plant will require frequent attention to the state of its soil and number of hours spent in the sun.

  • Plants with a Purpose

    Not all plants just sit around and look pretty. Fill up a few terracotta pots with herbs to use while cooking. Cilantro, basil, and oregano are easy to grow and smell great. Plus, your next homemade dish will taste amazing.

    If cooking is not your thing, you can still put your plant to work. Aloe Vera is a great addition to any patio and you’ll certainly appreciate it the next time you get a sunburn.

  • Pet-Friendly

    Catnip, wheat grass, and oats are great for Camelot homes with pets. Pinch off a few leaves of catnip for your furry friend and they’ll go crazy with excitement. Bonus: As much as cats love the smell, mosquitoes don’t. Catnip is a natural bug repellant.

    If you want something more visually appealing but still pet-friendly, there are plenty of options. Spider plants, prayer plants, and Christmas cacti are all relatively safe for pets. As always, check every individual plant to make sure it is non-toxic if ingested.

Spruce up the bare spots in your home by adding a colorful houseplant. If you’re looking for a luxury indoor-outdoor home, contact us today to schedule a tour at one of our currently available Camelot homes.